Our team

Jarosław Jerszyński
Jarosław Jerszyński
Jarosław Jerszyński
A proxy for Wonder Films and a partner at the DJP Doktór Jerszyński Pietras law firm, which provides the studio with a wide range of legal support.
Like no one else in our team, he freely navigates the legal meanders of film production. He supervises the corporate issues and the production financing. He is also responsible for solving key issues in relations with public entities, as well as drawing up contracts with investors and co-producers.
He legally supported the production of the following films:
The Shrew
scirpt: Ilona Łepkowska
directed by: Tomasz Konecki
Everyone Knows Better
script: Krzysztof Rak
directed by: Michał Rogalski
The Return
dir: Adrian Panek
Pigs 3.
Directed by: Władysław Pasikowski
The Messenger
Directed by: Władysław Pasikowski
Wonder Films
Wonder Films Sp. z o.o.
60A Husarii Street
02-951 Warsaw
NIP: 9512416292
The office:
30 Malczewskiego Street
02-612 Warsaw
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